Picturez | Muzic | Moviez | Showz | Gamez | Bookz | Sportz | Foodz | Fashionz | Jokez/Humor | Newz/Politicz | Questionz | Dating/Relationshipz | Science/Technologiez | Health/Exercize | Weird/Creepiez | Blogz | Placez/Travel
The site has been going down periodically due to PHP updates, and I have been trying to keep it up and running to the best of my ability. It's a lot of code to go through, and considering that nobody is using it currently, for very little benefit. I do believe that I have everything currently fixed, so the site does seem to work correctly now. If you find anything that looks like a bug, please contact me and let me know. ---Peter
Dabadace is a social networking forum. It's still in very early stages of development. To create an account, click the 'Sign Up' link. Pick a username and password (both must be between 1 and 50 characters and contain no spaces). Once your account is created, you will start with $100. Posts and comments all have buttons with '^$' on them. If you like a post or comment, click this button to give a dollar to the content and the person who posted it. Content that receives more money will recieve a higher ranking. Conversely, if you make good posts and comments, people will give you money. You can also send private messages to other users. If you watch someone who also watches you back, then you become budz with that person.
To make a post, go to the group in which the post would best fit, and use the form to enter the title of the post, an optional club that you want the post to be in (or no club), and the content of the post. Clubz are smaller organizations within groupz. To make a post in a club, just enter the name of the club into the form. To start a new club, just make a post and enter the new club name. It will then appear in the Clubz directory.
The site is designed to recognize urls and automatically link them. In addition, images, audio/video clips, and youtube & vimeo videos should automatically be embedded. To work correctly, all urls should begin with 'http://' or 'https://', contain no spaces, and must be followed by whitespace (a space, tab, or new line). Supported image formats are jpg, png, gif, bmp, and svg. Supported audio/video formats are mp3, wav, ogg, mp4, and webm.
Your Dashboard is where you can see lots of relevant information for your account, including posts from Groupz, Clubz, and Userz that you watch. To watch a group, club, or user, just go to their page and click the link that allows you to do so. To quit, go back to their page and click the 'Quit' link.
Just a disclaimer: I reserve the right to control the content on the site, including deleting anything I don't like. Keep in mind that, as site administrator, I can also read your private messages and passwords.
If you find any bugs, or other problems with the site, or if you have any suggestions, send me a message to either peterj or gravelstudios. There are several features that I intend to implement at some point so keep checking back to see what's new. Thanks for trying Dabadace, and I hope you like it!
--Peter J Hopkins
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©2016 Peter J Hopkins